Monthly Wrap Up/What’s On My Plate May/June

I’m trying to post a wrap up for the end of each month, mainly to help me to keep track of my reading and at the same time look at what I’m intending to read during the month ahead (inspired by Books Bones and Buffy’s What’s on My Plate.

In this post I shall be looking at the reading I completed for May and what I’m hoping to read during June.  Initial thoughts – I may have gone a little overboard with books this forthcoming month.  It’s still doable I think (fingers crossed).

Here’s what I read during May:

  1. The Malevolent Seven by Sebastien de Castell
  2. The Silence Factory by Bridget Collings
  3. The House that Horror Built by Christina Henry
  4. Moonstone by Laura Purcell
  5. The CInderwich by Cherie Priest
  6. Scarlet by Genevieve Cogman
  7. Hell for Hire by Rachel Aaron
  8. Hera by Jennifer Saint
  9. Elusive by Genevieve Cogman

Again this month I managed to read and review all my requested books so I’m quite happy with that.  I also read another Backlist Book.  I had some really good reads.  If you’re looking for a new Urban Fantasy then check out my thoughts on Hell for Hire by Rachel Aaron.  I also really enjoyed The CInderwich by Cherie Priest which was very thought provoking.  I have my new batch of SPFBO books for the 10th year of the competition – and I’ll be taking a look at those shortly.

What I’m hoping to read during June (with links to Goodreads).

  1. Small Town Horror by Ronald Malfi
  2. The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley
  3. The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks
  4. We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer
  5. Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs
  6. The Daughters’ War by Christopher Buehlman
  7. Two Sides to Every Murder by Danielle Valentine
  8. Bitter Waters by Vivian Shaw
  9. Storm Child by Michael Robotham

As with last month, I think this should be manageable and hopefully I can still squeeze in a backlist title. 


This month I read two Backlist books Scarlet by Genevieve Cogman and the Malevolent Seven by Sebastien DeCastell.

Bookforager‘s Picture Prompt book bingo


This month I’m ticking another book  off my Picture Prompt bingo card.  The picture with the dog.  I read this month The Malevolent Seven (which also counted as one of my Backlist Books.  If you check out the picture you can see a dog.  And you’ll perhaps notice that there are only six characters in a book with a title about seven characters – yes, the dog is one of the characters.  Not sure if it’s a very good doggo but…


A heeled shoe decorated with a bow A microscope A partially unrolled scroll and a pen A land snail
An old Roman coin A fern plant A simple crown An armillary sphere
A seashell A cannon on a gun carriage A harp (one of the big ones) Two hands making a shadow puppet dog
An old camera and tripod A dog (a very good doggo) A beehive (with four bees flying around it) Fluffy cumulonimbus clouds

How did you get on during April?

Hell for Hire by Rachel Aaron

My Five Word TL:DR Review : A Great New Urban Fantasy


Hell for HIre is a great start to a promising new urban fantasy series -perhaps we need to come up with a new name for a series that has strong woodland vibes.  Woodland Fantasy just doesn’t really work though does it.  We have a found family of demons (and that’s not something you get to say every day), a new young witch trying to make it on his own and a whole passel of warlocks and other critters hot on his tail.

Okay, let’s start from the beginning.

Adrian Blackwood is a young witch, raised in the Blackwood Forest by a long line of witches he should have been apprenticed to warlocks from a certain age but he didn’t want to become a warlock and he basically ran away.  His family have protected him ever since, the Blackwood magic is strong, however, his little rebellion has certainly called down trouble onto his family and he has now decided to leave and start his own forest.  However, growing your own magic forest doesn’t happen overnight and in the meantime Adrian needs protection.  Hence, he hires himself some demon protection.

Enter the scene our hellish mercenaries led by Bex.  There’s a lust demon (that is exactly as it sounds), a beefed up wrath demon, and a void demon.  They have a few tricks up their sleeves and they live in a camper van that has ideas about being a tardis.

I won’t elaborate on the plot further.  Be assured that the warlocks will be looking for Adrian and they will be using plenty of force.  They don’t bargain for what they’ll find when they come across his little protection unit though, or the magic that he’s already created in his forest.  And, let’s not forget Adrian’s familiar, his cat Boston – who has plenty to say about everything..

What I really liked about this.

It really draws you in immediately.  The writing is good, the dialogue is spot on.  I liked the characters and more than that I loved all the magic and the backstory and it just feels so wonderfully unique.

Bex and Adrian are the two central characters and they soon find themselves trusting each other.  Bex is hiding secrets though and, whilst I’m not going to spill them here, she’s actually going to need Adrian’s help eventually.

I really liked the pacing for this one, it’s not trying to cram in so much action that you feel dizzy, instead there’s a fine balance and obviously the finale cranks the action up a notch or three, but the author takes the time to let us spend some quality time with her characters and to develop feelings for them.

We get a good feel for the world, things are explained in a satisfying way without being over the top or too descriptive.  More than that this is one of those stories that makes you smile.  It’s not trying to be funny, but it is fun, creative and it has heart aplenty.

Overall, I had a thoroughly good time with this and can’t wait to read more.  It’s a fantastic start to a new series.  So, hopefully not too long a wait for number two.

I received a copy courtesy of the author, for which my thanks.  The above is my own opinion.

My rating 4.5 of 5 stars

Booking Ahead/Weekly Wrap Up

Sunday Post

I’m trying to get back into the habit of doing a round-up of the week just completed and also take a look at my plans for the forthcoming week.  I rather got out of the habit of doing so but I would like to reinstate this type of post as I feel it keeps me on track.  So, I’m linking up to The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s  Caffeinated Reviewer.  Without further ado:

Books read this week:

This week seems to have flown by.  I can’t even pin down what I’ve been up to it all feels like a blur.  In reading, I completed Hell for Hire by Rachel Aaron.  I can see myself being very easily pulled into this world. I also read Elusive by Genevieve Cogman (the second in her Scarlet Revolution series).  This was good and it has left us with a clear direction for what comes next (assuming there are more books planned).  I’ve just started Hera by Jennifer Saint.

  1. Moonstone by Laura Purcell
  2. Scarlet by Genevieve Cogman

Outstanding Reviews