Friday Face Off : The Moonlight Market by Joanne Harris


Today I’m returning to the  Friday Face Off, originally created by Books by Proxy).  I’ve missed these for the past few months and so would like to get back to comparing covers (and hopefully I will be updating this page with a new banner.  This is an opportunity to look at a book of your choice and shine the spotlight on the covers.  Of course this only works for those books that have alternative covers (although sometimes I use this to look at a series of books to choose a favourite). . So, if you have a book that has alternative covers, highlight them and choose your favourite.  If you’re taking part it would be great if you leave a link so I can take a look at what you’ve chosen.

This week I’ve chosen a book that I haven’t read yet but is a forthcoming read.  The Moonlight Market by Joanne Harris is one of my July books that I can’t wait to dig into. Here are the two covers:

My favourite this week:


Which is your favourite?

Join me next week in highlighting one of your reads with different covers.

Can’t Wait Wednesday : The Moonlight Market by Joanne Harris


“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that was originally created by Breaking the Spine.  Unfortunately Breaking the Spine are no longer hosting so I’m now linking my posts up to Wishful Endings Can’t Wait Wednesday. Don’t forget to stop over, link up and check out what books everyone else is waiting for.  If you want to take part, basically, every Wednesday, we highlight a book that we’re really looking forward to.  This week my book is: The Moonlight Market by Joanne Harris.  Here’s the cover and description:


From New York Times bestselling author Joanne Harris comes a richly imagined and captivating novel of two colliding worlds.

Deep in the heart of London, a photographer walks the streets and captures whatever catches his an old man drinking coffee; a beautiful woman sipping champagne in St. Pancras station; a cloud of moths, disturbed, taking flight across the sky.

But with each photo, he captures something unseen by the eye, and as each negative develops—revealing a person he hadn’t met, a danger he hadn’t noticed, and a world he hadn’t seen—he is drawn further into a hidden war. One which he has been drawn into many times before . . . and every time, had his memories of the truth, and of the woman he loves, stolen from him.

As Tom pieces fragments of the truth together, he realizes he must weave through the war and fight his own both for the woman he loves, and for himself.

Expected publication : June 2024