Friday Face Off : The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare by MG Buehrlen


Today I’m returning to the  Friday Face Off, originally created by Books by Proxy).  I’ve missed these for the past few months and so would like to get back to comparing covers (and hopefully I will be updating this page with a new banner.  This is an opportunity to look at a book of your choice and shine the spotlight on the covers.  Of course this only works for those books that have alternative covers (although sometimes I use this to look at a series of books to choose a favourite). . So, if you have a book that has alternative covers, highlight them and choose your favourite.  If you’re taking part it would be great if you leave a link so I can take a look at what you’ve chosen.

This week I’ve chosen a book from my backlist of books.  The 57 Lives of Alex Wayfare by MG Buehrlen. Here are the two covers:

My favourite this week:


Which is your favourite?

Join me next week in highlighting one of your reads with different covers.

Sunday Post/Weekly Wrap Up

Sunday Post

I’m trying to get back into the habit of doing a round-up of the week just completed and also take a look at my plans for the forthcoming week.  I rather got out of the habit of doing so but I would like to reinstate this type of post as I feel it keeps me on track.  So, I’m linking up to The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s  Caffeinated Reviewer.  Without further ado:

Books read this week:

What a nuisance week.  In reading terms all has been good, but, my laptop is playing up.  Basically, some of the keys are sticking, in particular the spacebar, so when I’m typing reviews or trying to comment on other posts, or reply to comments, therearenospacesinanentiresentenceorparagraph (which is intensely annoying and means everything takes so much longer. To be fair, my laptop is old.  I think I’m going to have to buy a new one.  Deep joy. Anyway, my reading.   I completed Two SIdes To Every Murder by Danielle Valentine  which I really enjoyed, maybe not quite as much as Delicate Condition but I definitely had fun.  I picked up and tore through The Daughters’ War by Christopher Buehlman. I had high expectations for this and these were surpassed.  I loved it. I’ve also completed The Cautious Traveller’s Guide to the Wastelands by Sarah Brooks, which was good, but at the same time quite slow in terms of pacing.   I’ve read 25% of two of my SPFBO books and started my third.

Next Week’s Reads:

  1. Bitter Waters by Vivian Shaw
  2. We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer

Friday Face Off : The Moonlight Market by Joanne Harris


Today I’m returning to the  Friday Face Off, originally created by Books by Proxy).  I’ve missed these for the past few months and so would like to get back to comparing covers (and hopefully I will be updating this page with a new banner.  This is an opportunity to look at a book of your choice and shine the spotlight on the covers.  Of course this only works for those books that have alternative covers (although sometimes I use this to look at a series of books to choose a favourite). . So, if you have a book that has alternative covers, highlight them and choose your favourite.  If you’re taking part it would be great if you leave a link so I can take a look at what you’ve chosen.

This week I’ve chosen a book that I haven’t read yet but is a forthcoming read.  The Moonlight Market by Joanne Harris is one of my July books that I can’t wait to dig into. Here are the two covers:

My favourite this week:


Which is your favourite?

Join me next week in highlighting one of your reads with different covers.

Sunday Post/Weekly Wrap Up

Sunday Post

I’m trying to get back into the habit of doing a round-up of the week just completed and also take a look at my plans for the forthcoming week.  I rather got out of the habit of doing so but I would like to reinstate this type of post as I feel it keeps me on track.  So, I’m linking up to The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s  Caffeinated Reviewer.  Without further ado:

Books read this week:

We’re back from Granada.  We had a fantastic time.  It’s a lovely city.   We had great weather, the people are so friendly and there was plenty of wine and tapas.  Highly recommended.  Obviously my reading and blogging have been a little slower so I’m planning on catching up this week, fingers crossed.  In reading news.  I read Bitter Waters by Vivian Shaw.  I also read We Used To Live Here by Marcus Kliewer (which was  very chilling) and I’ve made a start on Two SIdes To Every Murder by Danielle Valentine.  I’ve also made a start on my first batch of SPFBO books.

  1. Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs

Outstanding Reviews

Friday Face Off : The Busy Body (The Ghostwriter #1) by Kemper Donovan


Today I’m returning to the  Friday Face Off, originally created by Books by Proxy).  I’ve missed these for the past few months and so would like to get back to comparing covers (and hopefully I will be updating this page with a new banner.  This is an opportunity to look at a book of your choice and shine the spotlight on the covers.  Of course this only works for those books that have alternative covers (although sometimes I use this to look at a series of books to choose a favourite). . So, if you have a book that has alternative covers, highlight them and choose your favourite.  If you’re taking part it would be great if you leave a link so I can take a look at what you’ve chosen.

This week I’ve chosen a book that I haven’t read yet but is a forthcoming read. The Busy Body (The Ghostwriter#1) by Kemper Donovan.

My favourite this week:


Which is your favourite?

Join me next week in highlighting one of your reads with different covers.