Friday Face Off : Books with ‘Moon’ in the Title #VintageSciFi


Here we are again with the Friday Face Off meme created by Books by Proxy .  This is a great opportunity to feature some of your favourite book covers.  The rules are fairly simple each week, following a predetermined theme (list below) choose a book (this doesn’t have to be a book that you’ve read), compare a couple of the different covers available for that particular book and choose your favourite.   Future week’s themes are listed below – if you have a cover in mind that you’re really wanting to share then feel free to leave a comment about a future suggested theme.  I’ve also listed events that take place during the year, that I’m aware of, so you can link up your covers – if you’re aware of any events that you think I should include then give me a shout.  I’m currently linking up with Vintage Sci-Fi and if you also want to link up then please do so but this isn’t a requirement simply my way of highlighting events.  This week’s theme:

Books with ‘Moon’ in the Title

So I’ve gone for another book that I’ve not read this week although I have read the author before.  The First Men in the Moon by HG Wells.  I’ve gone for a very small selection of the available covers and a selection of old and new:

Firstly, I must say – isn’t it strange how tastes change.  Only a few years ago I would have run a mile at the sight of some of these covers and yet now I find myself positively enjoying them (go figure).

So, a few observations:



What a difference colour makes.  The above two covers are virtually identical but look how the change in colour makes such a difference.  I’m very drawn to the SF Masterworks cover in this particular example, it gives an ‘other-worldly’ feel.

Speaking of Star Wars take a look at these two – Death star planet anyone?

These two just give me Lost in Space vibes.  ‘Danger Will Robinson’

My favourite:


Do you have a favourite?  And have you read this book?  

I’ve updated the list now to include themes for next year.  If you know of an event that’s coming up let me know and I’ll try and include covers that work for the event itself so that you can link up to the Friday Face Off and, as always, if you wish to submit an idea then leave me a comment – or if you’d like to host a week then simply let me know.  Also, I would just mention that it’s very possible that some of these might be repeats from previous FFOs although I have tried to invent more ‘open ended’ prompt that can be interpreted differently and also prompts that relate to emotions.  Finally, don’t struggle with any of these, this is meant to be a fun way of highlighting books.  If you can’t come up with a book you think fits for a particular week use a freebie – perhaps a recent read for example:

Next week – An Aerial encounter – spaceships and explosions



Vintage Sci-Fi month – if you’re taking part you could try and find some vintage style covers

15th – An Aerial encounter – spaceships and explosions

22nd – An Alien Encounter – ‘we come in peace’ or maybe not.

29th – A favourite classic or vintage sci-fi


5th – A Book with a romance that you enjoyed

12th – Furry – a beast, something cuddly, or a fur covering

19th – Serpentine – could be a snake, could be a snake-like font, could be a snakeskin style cover

26th – A book with ‘Magic’ in the Title


5th – March is named for the Roman God of War – a Roman style cover or a cover with a God or Gods or simply a book about war

12th – Middle Grade – choose whatever pleases you

19th – Ruin or derelict, old and worn, could be the book itself, a building, a place

26th – A picture within a picture


2nd – A train or tram – travelling down the track, could be old style, futuristic, overhead, down below.

9th – Cartoonish or graphic

16th – I have to have it – a cover that gave you ‘grabby hands’

23rd – Your current read (if it has covers to compare) or any recent read

30th– A series that you love – highlight all the books in the series


Month of Wyrd and Wonder

7th – A Series where the cover changed midway through – which style do you prefer most

14th – The earliest fantasy you recall reading – or the first fantasy book you really loved, maybe the book that kickstarted your love of fantasy

21st – The Top Hat

28th – The Hood


4th – The nose boop – any animal, or human, with a close up shot.

11th – A cover that annoyed you and why

18th – Out of Perspective, or make you feel a bit dizzy

25th – Upside down, back to front or topsy turvy


2nd – A book with a landscape you’d like to visit

9th – A Wicked Grin

16th – Books with ‘book’ in the title

23rd – A Black Hole – could be in the universe or going deep into the ground

30th – Chaos – maybe too much going on in this one


6th – “They cluck their thick tongues, and shake their heads and suggest, os so very delicately!” – The Motel

13th – A favourite holiday read

20th – Dressed to kill (could be literally someone dressed to kill, or someone dressed up for a big night out

27th – Sunbathing or on the beach

September (RIP event)

3rd – 1920s feel, noir detective

10th – I’m Henry the Eighth I am – let’s look at Kings or other Emperors/rulers

17th – Books with ‘Murder’ in the title

24th – A favourite thriller


1st – A Halloween read

8th – Chills – anything at all that almost makes you too scared to pick up the book (your own pet hate)

15th – Your favourite book of magic

22nd – Books with ‘Queen’ in the title

29th – Must be gothic

November – Sci Fi Month

5th – Your earliest sci-fi read or the first sci-fi you reviewed

12th – A book with ‘star’ in the title

19th – Futuristic vista

26th – A Black Hole – in the universe or going deep into the ground


3rd – Windswept, the classic figure, stood majestically, with wind blowing out in a fetching way

10th – A fairytale retold

17th – Winter Solstice approaching – anything cold and seasonal

24th – All things fire – red hair, red covers, fire breathing dragons, simply fire?

31st – What’s your catnip – if it’s on a cover you have to pick it up

13 Responses to “Friday Face Off : Books with ‘Moon’ in the Title #VintageSciFi”

  1. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    LOL yes, the Star Wars influence is strong in these covers, in many ways. I like the first one there, the green is so eye catching!

    • @lynnsbooks

      Yep, the force is strong with this batch of covers for sure.
      Lynn 😀

  2. maddalena@spaceandsorcery

    LOL on the Star Wars connection! But it’s quite evident, though… And I love the two vintage covers, particularly in the detail of the landing struts for the spaceships 🙂
    My favorite, however, it the one on the left from the SF Masterworks duo: the color choice is just *perfect*.

    • @lynnsbooks

      There are some great covers for this – I was a little spoilt for choice.
      Lynn 😀

  3. Friday Faceoff – We are all like the bright Moon; we still have our darker side… #Brainfluffbookblog #FridayFaceoffmooncovers | Brainfluff

    […] was to compare UK and US book covers and decide which is we prefer. This meme is being nurtured by Lynn’s Book Blog and this week, we are featuring covers with the word MOON in the title. I’ve selected The Moon is […]

  4. sjhigbee

    There isn’t a cover here that I don’t like:)). However, my favourite is the top left – I like the silver and purple overtones, rather than the yellows and blues, as I think they are more moonlike. Great choice for this week, Lynn!

    • @lynnsbooks

      To be honest I also like the silver and purple toned cover.
      Lynn 😀

  5. Tammy

    I’m drawn to the vintage cover of #6, plus I love yellow book covers, I don’t know why!

  6. Lexlingua

    I like the third one from the top – Masterworks, because of the bluish tint and because it gives me a slightly less dated feel for this old, old book. Happy FFO!
    This week, I didn’t use sci-fi books, I picked Wodehouse’s Full Moon (

    • @lynnsbooks

      I love Masterworks covers – I don’t know why but they usually have me won over.
      Lynn 😀

  7. waytoofantasy

    I love your favorite here, it’s got that great pulp feel to it!

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