Friday Face Off : Covers that use mostly ‘words’


Here we are again with the Friday Face Off meme created by Books by Proxy .  This is a great opportunity to feature some of your favourite book covers.  The rules are fairly simple each week, following a predetermined theme (list below) choose a book (this doesn’t have to be a book that you’ve read), compare a couple of the different covers available for that particular book and choose your favourite.   Future week’s themes are listed below – if you have a cover in mind that you’re really wanting to share then feel free to leave a comment about a future suggested theme.  I’ve also listed events that take place during the year, that I’m aware of, so you can link up your covers – if you’re aware of any events that you think I should include then give me a shout.  This week’s theme:

“Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.”

This is another one of the themes I came up with to coincide with the sci fi event taking place during November so hope you’ve all come up with something good.  I’ve gone for a series rather than a face off.  This definitely falls into sci-fi and all three books are just excellent – I highly recommend them.  The Impossible Times series by Mark Lawrence.  And, here are the covers:

My favourite this week is a close draw.  I wanted to choose Limited Wish but instead I’ve gone for :


Do you have a favourite?

I’ll be updating the list in order to include forthcoming events that I’m aware of so that you can perhaps link your themes up where possible (if you know of an event you’d like to share then let me know in the comments).  As always, if you wish to submit an idea then leave me a comment – or if you’d like to host a week then simply let me know.

Next week – Modern sci fi

Future themes: (if you’re struggling with any of these themes then use a ‘freebie’ or one of your favourite covers) (I’ve added some new themes – some of these are slightly different, in order to avoid too much repetition I’m trying to make the themes more of a suggestion that everyone can interpret how they like.  


27th November – Modern sci fi

4th December –  Fae – or fairy??

11th December – Lake – the mysterious lake

18th December – Highly Stylised

25th December- Freebie – or day off.

12 Responses to “Friday Face Off : Covers that use mostly ‘words’”

  1. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I do love the covers to this series, they are so bold and colorful!

    • @lynnsbooks

      And they really fit the era in which the books are set which to me is just great.
      Lynn 😀

  2. maddalena@spaceandsorcery

    The lovely colors and the size of the font make any image superfluous indeed… 🙂

    • @lynnsbooks

      And they’re very appropriate covers for the content – mainly, I’m thinking during to the 80s feel.
      Lynn 😀

  3. Friday Faceoff – Words are free – it’s how you use them that can cost… #Brainfluffbookblog #FridayFaceoffwordscovers #SciFiMonth2020 | Brainfluff

    […] was to compare UK and US book covers and decide which is we prefer. This meme is being nurtured by Lynn’s Book Blog and this week we are featuring covers with WORDS. I’ve selected Artemis by Andy Weir and linked […]

  4. Tammy

    I totally forgot about this book when I made my post, great choice😁 I think One Word Kill is my favorite cover.

    • @lynnsbooks

      These covers are just so appropriate for the timeframe in which they’re based. They put me in mind of tv series from the era where large bold letters used to be used in the opening titles.
      Lynn 😀

  5. Mareli Thalwitzer

    Hi there Lynn! Once again, I don’t know this series. But I also like the cover that you have chosen the best. It creates the impression that the wiring just goes on and on through the words (it is wiring, right?)

    Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend!

  6. waytoofantasy

    Nice pick for this one! I do like the covers for this series, it feels a little retro somehow.

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