Friday Face Off : Freebie – choose a favourite cover


Here we are again with the Friday Face Off meme created by Books by Proxy .  This is a great opportunity to feature some of your favourite book covers.  The rules are fairly simple each week, following a predetermined theme (list below) choose a book (this doesn’t have to be a book that you’ve read), compare a couple of the different covers available for that particular book and choose your favourite.   Future week’s themes are listed below – if you have a cover in mind that you’re really wanting to share then feel free to leave a comment about a future suggested theme.  I’ve also listed events that take place during the year, that I’m aware of, so you can link up your covers – if you’re aware of any events that you think I should include then give me a shout.  This week’s theme:

Freebie – choose one of your favourite covers

A lot of the new themes are open to interpretation which might make choosing the covers and seeing other’s choices very interesting.  I can’t stress enough that this is all about your own interpretation and hopefully this new open feel to the meme will bring a larger selection of books and covers.  It’s not supposed to be hard work, there are no rules, just enjoy yourself.

The good old freebie – this should be easy and I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with. Also, on that note, if I haven’t been visiting or blogging much in the past week and a half it’s because I’ve been having a bit of a slump.  Can’t think why (*scratches head in puzzlement??*)  Anyway, I just need to get over myself and pull things together.  So, if I’ve not been visiting, well, that’s why.  I’ll be trying to catch up as much as possible over the next couple of weeks.

So, to this week’s theme.  The lovely freebie.  Not many covers for this week’s choice as I’ve gone for a very new book and a recent read – which I loved (my review is here).  Here are the two (very different) covers, for my book this week:  You Let Me In by Camilla Bruce:

Difficult to choose this week.  I like the first one.  The colours and the way the branches are growing through the font.  The second cover is very pertinent to the read and it’s quite startlingly creepy.  I think on balance I prefer the second cover but then I keep going backwards and forwards.  Eventually, I chose the second version. I think the first cover gives me a murder mystery vibe –  which is an element of this story but not the overriding plot – oh dear, I’m all over the place.  Anyway, my favourite:


Do you have a favourite?

I’ll be updating the list in order to include forthcoming events that I’m aware of so that you can perhaps link your themes up where possible (if you know of an event you’d like to share then let me know in the comments).  As always, if you wish to submit an idea then leave me a comment – or if you’d like to host a week then simply let me know 😀

Next week – a trick of the eye – a cover that is more than meets the eye.

Future themes: (if you’re struggling with any of these themes then use a ‘freebie’ or one of your favourite covers) (I’ve added some new themes – some of these are slightly different, in order to avoid too much repetition I’m trying to make the themes more of a suggestion that everyone can interpret how they like.  


3rd April Fools – a trick of the eye – a cover that is more than meets the eye.

10th April – Moody – a cover that is atmospheric,

17th April – out of focus – double vision or all a blur

24th April – Armour – ‘“Pretty armour doesn’t make a warrior.”

1st May – Canine – “And then there were cats, thought Dog.:

8th May – graphic novel cover – “Love belongs to Desire, and Desire is always cruel”

15th May – pink – as pink as cotton candy – any cover that is pink

22nd May – Sorrow – a cover that makes you feel sad

29th May – Silhouette – an island, a person, anything you like

5th June – Flight – any type of flight – to flee, to fly

12th June – The bodice ripper – exactly as it seems

19th June – Time – time waits for no one

26th June – Windows – windows to the soul?

10 Responses to “Friday Face Off : Freebie – choose a favourite cover”

  1. joannechillhouse

    Just found this meme and decided to give it a go

    re yours I actually favour the cover on the left. It draws me in more. The one on the right seemed at first to me like a stylized middle finger, and then, after looking at it for a while, I realized it was an upside down bird which is probably symbolic…but for now has me scratching my head and aesthetically doesn’t appeal to me as much as the first.

    My post includes several covers, one of which is similarly a side by side of one book. Look forward to your thoughts.

    Fun meme; (to quote Arnold) I’ll be back.

  2. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Great choice this week. It’s amazing how different the two covers are. I definitely think the second cover is creepier, more unique. The first one does look like a generic mystery cover.

  3. Friday Faceoff – Off the leash… #Brainfluffbookblog #FridayFaceofffreebiecovers | Brainfluff

    […] was to compare UK and US book covers and decide which is we prefer. This meme is being nurtured by Lynn’s Book Blog and this week we are featuring FREEBIE covers. I’ve selected Circe by Madeline Miller, which I […]

  4. sjhigbee

    Yes… while I think the first cover is more visually beautiful, the second cover is more appropriate for this disturbing, excellent read. A great choice for this week’s subject, Lynn:)

  5. Tammy

    I love the UK cover so much more, I think it does a way better job of conveying what the story’s about. Great choice, Lynn!

  6. jessicabookworm

    That second cover would definitely catch my eye in a shop! I have also been in a reading/blogging slump, due to, what I have now termed, the ‘pandemic-that-shall-not-be-named’!! But we can do this, Lynn – Stay calm and keep reading. 🙂

  7. Barb @ Booker T's Farm

    I just made a TBR for April, since I have more time on my hand – thanks Mr. CV19 – and put this one on it. I normally don’t like covers with faces on them but I do think I like the US version better. Also, because I’ve not read it, maybe I don’t fully understand the UK version.

    • @lynnsbooks

      Yeah, the UK version is appropriate for the story but you’ll understand more why that is once you’ve read it. I like both covers tbh but they’re so very different.
      Lynn 😀

  8. Greg

    Ooh I like both of these, but maybe the first one a smidgen more because it just has such an eerie vibe?

  9. waytoofantasy

    Nice pick! I love that one as well, it really draws you in making you wonder what the story is about.

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