Kingshold (The Wildfire Cycle #1) by D.P. Woolliscroft #SPFBO Review

KingsholdKingshold was one of the books that I chose to read completely and review for the first phase of the Self Published Fantasy Blog Off.  It is, without doubt, an impressive debut and a strong foundation for the rest of the series and in fact was a very close contender for my finalist spot.

The story begins with the murder of the King and Queen by none other than their own wizard, Jyuth.  It seems Jyuth had finally had enough of their wicked ways and decided to take drastic action to remove them from further rule of Edland.  Jyuth, tired of the scheming nobility decrees that the monarchy be abolished and replaced instead with a democracy.  Of course this sounds like it could be ideal, an elected Lord Protector, chosen by the majority vote.  The reality is somewhat different.  Few people are eligible to stand as candidates and even fewer people can afford to vote – certainly the unwashed masses could not afford to whisper their favoured candidate into a pixie ear.  But, there is strength in numbers and with that in mind a small band of unlikely friends come together to promote their own champion and rally the masses. What could possibly go wrong?  Well, in a city that has its own guild of assassins I leave you to reach your own conclusion.

The book contains a number of characters and it’s easy to find favourites.  Jyuth is an ancient wizard.  He seems to be incredibly powerful, a bit curmudgeonly and has a dreadful reputation for not suffering fools.  I found myself liking Jyuth immediately but I liked his daughter, Neenahwi, even more.  We meet Neenahwi as she is undertaking a dangerous quest involving a demon and a search for a powerful gem.  She’s a very easy to like character.  Resourceful, calm and intelligent.  She’s not very happy with Jyuth, not only for throwing the City into a turmoil with the deaths of the monarchs and the introduction of a new democracy but also because he plans to slope off into retirement leaving her smack bang in the middle of all the mess.  Alana is a young woman who takes a position at the palace only to find herself being allocated to serve Jyuth.  This actually turns out in her favour.  Alana is keen to learn and Jyuth enjoys teaching a lively young mind keen for information. Mareth is a bard.  He’s a bit of a drunk and a womaniser to boot but his songs seem to hold power over people and when his talents for charming the crowds are spotted by others he’s enlisted to help one of the candidates.  The plan goes somewhat askew as candidates start to be picked off one by one.  The other players are Hoskins, who acts as a type of administrator and stand-in Lord Protector at the palace and a trio of mercenaries in search of their next job.

At first, it felt like there were quite a few characters to come to terms with but they pretty soon all slotted into place and eventually they come together as their storylines intersect.  Obviously, everyone will have their own favourites but thankfully I didn’t dislike any of the povs and in fact thought the secondary characters were also easy to like.

The story, whilst it revolves primarily around the election and the candidates rush to curry favour and accumulate votes (not to mention desperately trying to stay alive) also takes a couple of side tracks – a diversion involving dwarves and a threat of invasion.  The pacing felt a little slow at the beginning whilst I became familiar with everyone but it pretty quickly gathered momentum.  I think, to be honest, this could probably be trimmed a little to make it a little more punchy but in fairness, I really didn’t struggle at all and I never experienced the dreaded ‘not wanting to pick the book back up after stopping reading’ which sometimes happens.

In terms of setting the majority of the story takes place in Edland.  This is a mediaeval type city that is fairly easy to imagine.  I wouldn’t say there’s anything groundbreaking here but it feels easily recognisable and quite well drawn without the need for weighty descriptions. I guess you could say it has a comfortable feel.

I don’t really have any major criticisms.  I think this is a very well executed book.  The writing is good, the concept pretty unique and the characters come together in a pleasing way.  Personally, I didn’t love Mareth as much as I felt I should.  In his favour, his character really does make some positive changes but I remain on the fence about him for the time being.  The other thing that puzzled me when I read it and in fact still puzzles me now writing this review is the invasion/pirate scene.  I don’t want to give away spoilers so my comments are necessarily vague but, firstly, I didn’t see that coming – which isn’t necessarily a bad thing – but, secondly, I’m not quite sure what it brought to the story and I feel like I’ve missed something important somehow – however, I put that down to myself, clearly I’ve overlooked something fundamental.

All told, this is a great start to a series that I look forward to continuing.  I have to say that going into this read I had my doubts.  I figured that reading a fantasy story centred around an election process would probably be a little dry.  As it turned out this was a fun read with some well placed humour, the election is more a backdrop and a catalyst for change in a story that becomes more about taking up a cause and doing the right thing in order to succeed, well, that and all the scurrying around trying to stay alive.

I received a copy of the book courtesy of the author, for which my thanks.  The above is my own opinion.

My rating – 4 of 5 stars


18 Responses to “Kingshold (The Wildfire Cycle #1) by D.P. Woolliscroft #SPFBO Review”

  1. dpwoolliscroft

    Thanks for the great review, Lynn. I’m glad you enjoyed it and I hope you’ll stay on for the rest of the series.

  2. pcochrun

    Excellent review! I have this and your review moves it up my TBR.

  3. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I can see why this was a strong contender for your finalist, and I know how hard it gets to choose once you get to your final faves. Gonna keep my eye on this one!

    • @lynnsbooks

      Yeah, it was good and it’s a shame that I can only pick one.
      Lynn 😀

  4. maddalena@spaceandsorcery

    One should never judge a book by its cover, but Kingshold’s cover is a very intriguing one – and I could never turn my back on a story featuring a guild of assassins, so if I add your rating for this novel I can see myself giving it a chance in the future.
    Thanks for sharing!

    • @lynnsbooks

      I hope you give it a shot – I’d like to know what you think.
      Lynn 😀

  5. Tammy

    Lovely review, and it’s nice that you were struggling a little to select the top spot. Best of luck to the author!

  6. jessicabookworm

    This sounds right up my street 🙂

    • @lynnsbooks

      I think you’d really like this one now I think of it.
      Lynn 😀

  7. sjhigbee

    An excellent review – and I certainly am going to be following this author as I really like the sound of this one. Thank you for sharing, Lynn:)

  8. Carmen

    Good review, Lynn! To be honest, the story and the book feel like a mature, solid work by the author. I liked it through your review, which says much about your impressions as on the book itself. I hope you stick with this series and enjoy the next entries as you did this one.

    • @lynnsbooks

      I’ll definitely keep reading with this and you’re quite right – it does feel very mature and solid which is impressive considering it’s a debut.
      Lynn 😀

  9. waytoofantasy

    Great review! Dave came to me about reviewing this one a while back now and I had a lot on my plate so let my sometimes blog partner give it a go and he really enjoyed it! I need to make time to work it into my own schedule at some point. 🙂

    • dpwoolliscroft

      That would be awesome!

    • @lynnsbooks

      I’d love to see what you think of it 😀

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