So far so good…


Every Tuesday over at the  The Broke and Bookish we all get to look at a particular topic for discussion and use various (or more to the point ten) examples to demonstrate that particular topic.  The topic this week is:

Top Ten Favorite 2016 Releases So Far This Year 

Not sure if all of these are new releases this year but these are my top 10 books so far this year:

  1. The Wheel of Osheim by Mark Lawrence
  2. City of Blades by Robert J Bennett
  3. The Immortals by Jordanna Max Brodsky
  4. The Silver Tide by Jen Williams
  5. US of Japan by Peter Tieryas
  6. Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye
  7. Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
  8. Stranger of Tempest by Tom Lloyd
  9. Monstrous Little Voices by Jonathan Barnes, Emma Newman, Kate Heartfield, Fox Meadows, Adrian Tchaikovsky
  10. Company Town by Madeline Ashby

22 Responses to “So far so good…”

  1. Sue @crushingcinders

    Sadly I haven’t read any of these yet, but the cover of City of Blades is very compelling. My TTT

    • @lynnsbooks

      It’s a really good book – I do really like Robert Bennett and have liked all his books so far.
      Lynn D:

  2. Barb(boxermommyreads)

    I just reviewed Every Heart a Doorway on my blog yesterday and if I hadn’t drafted today’s TTT before then, I would have added it. I absolutely loved it and I was so thrilled yesterday when I learned there would be more in this series. I still don’t know why I haven’t read Jane Steele yet. Too many books I guess. Thanks for sharing a great list!

    • @lynnsbooks

      I’m so pleased that there will be more from EHaD – thanks so much for that excellent news. You’ve made my night.
      Jane Steele was brilliant – an unexpected book, one that I didn’t request but just turned up and I loved it. I hope you give it a shot – would love to know your thoughts.
      Lynn 😀

  3. Tammy

    We have a couple of the same books, and I LOVED Company Town but I read it too late to make my list. Really curious to read Jane Steele.

    • @lynnsbooks

      I loved Jane Steele, very much out of character for what I tend to read these days but sometimes books just really work – and this is one of those books for me.
      Lynn 😀

  4. Carmen

    I’ve read great reviews about Jane Steele, yours included. 🙂

    • @lynnsbooks

      I loved that book. Loved it. Completely outside of what I predominantly read these days but I like to mix it up every now and again.
      Lynn 😀

  5. Jamie Wu

    Monstrous Little Tales sounds like a fun time. I read City of Stairs a while back, but stopped halfway due to life, and I haven’t got back yet, but I’ll definitely restart it soon. Looking forward to read City of Blades too.

    • @lynnsbooks

      I do love Robert Bennett so this series worked out well for me so far – the second is very different from the first and quite a few people prefer it.
      I loved the Monstrous book, even though this is a book of short stories it has a theme that runs throughout and it’s just really entertaining.
      Lynn 😀

  6. Mariela

    OMG! I can not believe I have bought yet Robert Jackson Bennet’s books! I have the first one on this series on my list!
    You have pretty good books in your list. Different than everyone else’s
    I was getting tired to see the same books in almost every list!

    I haven’t read any of these. I haven’t read any 2016 release at all.I bought some but they are still in my bookshelves.
    Nice list!
    My TTT.

    • @lynnsbooks

      I know – I have so many books waiting to be read and I’m getting very behind! I need a couple of free months to catch up.
      Lynn 😀

  7. jessicabookworm

    I am excited to read Jane Steele and Monstrous Little Voices 🙂

    • @lynnsbooks

      Both are so good – I really think you will love them.
      Lynn 😀

  8. DJ (@MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape)

    Not at all surprised to see a Mark Lawrence take the #1 spot 🙂 Though, now that that series is complete, I suppose it is time for pick up the books and binge read it – like I did The Broken Empire.

    • @lynnsbooks

      Yes – it is absolutely time to do that very thing! This series is brilliant.
      Lynn 😀

  9. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    I see three of my five star books this year on your list (Wheel of Osheim, The Immortals, City of Blades) as well as another one that I really liked (Company Town). Makes me very curious about the rest, since we have pretty similar tastes. That Tom Lloyd book needs a US release date, like yesterday. And just added Jane Steele to my TBR!

    • @lynnsbooks

      I think there have been some great books so far this year. I hope you get a chance to pick up Jane Steele – although it isn’t spec fiction I really enjoyed it.
      Lynn 😀

  10. nawfalaq

    This is a mighty list! Woot! I wanna read all of ’em! But I gotta tell you, that “Company Town” cover is so striking. Whenever I see it, it always really sticks to my eyesight, know what I mean?

    • @lynnsbooks

      The Company Town cover is brilliant I think. And the content is just as good. Hope you pick up a copy.
      Lynn 😀

  11. Charlie Hopkins

    Saints Blood by Sebastian De Castellan was amazing if you get the chance to read it.

    • @lynnsbooks

      I have read the first and really enjoyed it – I just need to catch up!!
      Lynn 😀

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