Booking Ahead/Weekly Wrap Up

Sunday Post

I’m trying to get back into the habit of doing a round-up of the week just completed and also take a look at my plans for the forthcoming week.  I rather got out of the habit of doing so but I would like to reinstate this type of post as I feel it keeps me on track.  So, I’m linking up to The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s  Caffeinated Reviewer.  Without further ado:

Books read this week:

This week seems to have flown by.  I can’t even pin down what I’ve been up to it all feels like a blur.  In reading, I completed Hell for Hire by Rachel Aaron.  I can see myself being very easily pulled into this world. I also read Elusive by Genevieve Cogman (the second in her Scarlet Revolution series).  This was good and it has left us with a clear direction for what comes next (assuming there are more books planned).  I’ve just started Hera by Jennifer Saint.

  1. Moonstone by Laura Purcell
  2. Scarlet by Genevieve Cogman

Outstanding Reviews

8 Responses to “Booking Ahead/Weekly Wrap Up”

  1. maddalena@spaceandsorcery

    A new Malfi book is always something to look forward to! 🙂

    • @lynnsbooks

      Yep, and I’ve been longing to pick this up for a while.

      Lynn 😀

  2. pagesandtea

    I really like the cover for Small Town Horror. I’ve not read anything by Malfi so far but will look out for your review of this one 😀

    • @lynnsbooks

      It was a good read. Maybe not my favourite by the author but quite compelling.

      Lynn 😀

  3. Tammy

    Small Town Horror is my next book as well, I cannot wait!

  4. Lisa @TenaciousReader

    Look forward to reading your review for Hell for Hire!

    • @lynnsbooks

      I really liked it. It does have a first in series feel but I was on board with the characters virtually immediately.

      Lynn 😀

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