#SPFBO : My Fourth Batch of Books

Artboard 1

300 books           10 Judges            1 winner

The 1st of June marked the start of the sixth Self Published Fantasy Blog Off (details here.)  My Introductory post is here.  You can find my first batch of books here and my update here, and my second batch of books and update here and here.  I’ve now read and updated my third batch of books and also provided an update and today I will be outlining the fourth set of books that I will be reading.

As with previous years I will read a batch of books each month.  I will read at least 30% and hopefully will choose one or two books from each batch to roll forward and read fully and review before choosing semi finalists and a finalist.  My book list is chosen randomly and the six books I will be reading this month are outlined below:


Rise of the Forgotten Sun (The Sun and the Raven #1) by Jon Monson 

RiseoftheAll I ever wanted was to see the world and maybe discover an ancient civilization or two. A life of scholarly solitude and adventure was more than enough for me. I never wanted to play politics. I never wanted to get married. I most certainly never dreamed of becoming a god.

Yet when I ventured into the depths of the Soulless Desert, I found… something- a power so ancient it has been forgotten by mankind. That day unleashed a chain of events that, once started, cannot be stopped.

It is the Rise of the Forgotten Sun.

It is the beginning of the end.

Author Info




The Child of Silence (The Burning Orbit Book 1) by Joseph O. Doran

ChildofYou’ve never met a hero like this before.

Born severely disabled, Aiata dal’Pelferta has spent her life despised by her own people simply for who she is. Worse still, she is the youngest daughter of the Empress, making her an Imperial embarrassment. Unable to talk, move or let anyone know she is a thinking, feeling person, she spends her days observing – and learning – from those around her.

Everything changes when she finally discovers a way to communicate and is plunged into the dangers of the Imperial court. With the magic of Songthrust, Aiata’s people can force others to their will, however they are ill-prepared for a popular revolt within their own borders – a revolt that Aiata is dragged into. Abused by her family and surrounded by danger, Aiata will learn that her intellect – not her magic – is her greatest asset, as she fights to save her home from the ravages of civil war.

Yet while all eyes are on the war at home, a far greater threat looms in the dark of the night sky.

Author Info Twitter


Trial of Thorns (Wicked Fae #1) by Stacey Trombley

TrialIn a ruthless competition of blood and magic, attraction to the enemy may be the biggest weakness of all.

I am Caelynn of the Shadow Court, banished to the human realm for killing a fae prince in my youth. But when I learn my homeland is in peril, I strike a bargain.

The Trial of Thorns will decide a champion to save the realm from a terrible plague, and secure the winner fame and fortune. I could care less about the money or notoriety–I’m playing for freedom. If I win, I will earn a full pardon. And I intend to win.

But I don’t account for Reveln being one of my opponents. We’ve got…history. And ten years later, he’s even hotter than I remember. Oh, right, he also hates me.

Only one of us can win, and Rev will do everything in his power to make sure I don’t make it out of the trials alive.

Because ten years ago, I killed his brother.

And Reveln never forgets.

Author Info

Website : http://www.StaceyTrombley.com


Emma and the Minotaur (World of Light, #1) by Jon Herrera

EmmaAll stories are true.

In the forests of Saint Martin, a great power has awakened. Whispers abound of a monster who lurks in the dark as more and more of the city’s residents go missing.

Emma Wilkins is eleven years old and lives on Belle Street. Early in the school year, Emma befriends a boy whose father has disappeared. Together, they embark on a mission to find him. Awaiting Emma in the shadows of Glenridge Forest is a world of magic, secrets, and creatures of legend returning from exile.

During her adventure, Emma discovers the truth behind a power greater still. One who watches and waits, preparing for the day when the world is ready for his return

Emma and the Minotaur is a modern-day fairy tale. It is a love letter to innocence, magic, and fantasy.

Author Info Twitter

Website: http://www.jonherrera.ca


Calico Thunder Rides Again by T.A. Hernandez

CalicoLadies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the Most Fantastic Show on Earth…

Three years ago, the Ban changed everything, outlawing certain forms of magic and bringing about the rise of powerful crime syndicates. Now, speakeasies in every city sell illegal charms and jinxes, and bootleggers traffic restricted potion ingredients across the country. But even in this changing world, the magic of the circus still acts as a wondrous escape and provides entertainment for all.​

Jake Strickland owns one such circus, inherited after an accident ended his career as a rodeo dragon rider. He also inherited the circus’ financial troubles, but since the show became his, he’s slowly managed to turn it into a profitable business once more. Or at least, that’s what he thought.

When a dangerous mobster comes to collect an old debt, Jake resorts to desperate measures to get the money before a strict deadline. With lives and livelihoods at stake, he battles the clock, his responsibilities to the circus, and a longstanding personal grudge that has festered for years. Can he pay back the mob before it’s too late?

Author Info Twitter

Website: http://www.tahernandez.com


Shifter Shadows by Anthony Stevens

ShifterFrom the dawn of prehistory to an apocalyptic day after tomorrow, shifters and their friends have been in the background of every historical event. Shapechangers, healers, hunters, shamans, and great leaders, have always been around. We recognize the legendary ones, but must always keep in mind that Gomer is a good dog.

Author Info









Once again, good luck to everyone.  If you’d like to visit my blog for a guest post, excerpt, etc, then leave me a note in the comments (and, if you’ve already left me a comment and I haven’t responded please give me a nudge).

18 Responses to “#SPFBO : My Fourth Batch of Books”

  1. Tammy

    Of all of these, I think I’d pick up Trial of Thorns. It sounds really good, and that blurb is excellent! Good luck to all!

    • @lynnsbooks

      Thanks Tammy, I’m looking forward to that one – gives me Holly Black vibes.
      Lynn 😀

  2. maddalena@spaceandsorcery

    The Child of Silence sounds like the kind of engrossing read I would love to lose myself in… 😉

  3. Barb @ Booker T's Farm

    Calico Thunder Rides Again looks like a fun read. I may have to check into that one!

  4. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Another great batch of books, I’m rooting for quite a few of these!

  5. proxyfish

    The blurb and the cover for The Child of Silence are wonderful!

    Good luck to all entrants! 😀

    • @lynnsbooks

      They’re such a totally different bunch of books – I can’t wait.
      Lynn 😀

  6. waytoofantasy

    Well this is a very eclectic batch–hope you find some good reads! I’m looking forward to that one with the dinosaur on the cover. 😉

  7. jessicabookworm

    Sounds like an intriguing batch – I particularly like the sound of Emma and the Minotaur. Good luck and happy reading! 🙂

  8. sjhigbee

    I’m impressed by all of them – what a lovely wide-ranging mix of books! But Emma and the Minotaur and The Child of Silence have particularly caught my eye. Happy reading, Lynn.

  9. staceytrombley

    Wow. Child of Silence sounds fascinating!

    • @lynnsbooks

      It sounds like a very intriguing batch of books that I have in store.
      Lynn 😀

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