Sunday Post/Weekly Wrap Up

Sunday Post

I’m trying to get back into the habit of doing a round-up of the week just completed and also take a look at my plans for the forthcoming week.  I rather got out of the habit of doing so but I would like to reinstate this type of post as I feel it keeps me on track.  So, I’m linking up to The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s  Caffeinated Reviewer.  Without further ado:

Books read this week:

I’m going on a short break, a few days away in Granada.  I have a few posts lined up and will be back on track on Wednesday.  This week I’ve read The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley, which I loved.  I’ve also completed Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs and made a start on Bitter Waters by Vivian Shaw.  I’ve also made a start on my first SPFBO X book.  I was hoping to post my first five books this weekend but things have run away with me so later in the week I’ll be highlighting those.

  1. Small Town Horror by Ronald Malfi
  2. THe Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley

Outstanding Reviews

8 Responses to “Sunday Post/Weekly Wrap Up”

  1. Susy's Cozy World

    Enjoy your break! I have never been in Granada but I always wanted to visit!! 😍 And I thought that Dr. Greta Helsing series was finished, but I am glad there is something new out!!

  2. Tammy

    Granada sounds so exotic when you live in the US, lol. Have a wonderful time!

    • @lynnsbooks

      Granada is a lovely, friendly, vibrant city. We loved it.

      Lynn 😀

  3. pagesandtea

    Have a wonderful time in Granada 😀

  4. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Hope you’re having a good time on your vacation, I have to read Winter Lost soon!

    • @lynnsbooks

      Hopefully you had chance for lots of reading on your vacation.

      Lynn 😀

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