Countdown to 2024


Once again I am doing my December Countdown.  This is a one per day prompt where I will literally post the prompt and the book I think fits the prompt.  I’m hoping to use books read during 2023 where possible and use this as an opportunity to shine the light on some good reads.  Books will be linked to reviews where possible or Goodreads.  If you fancy joining me feel free to dip in and out.  This is just a little fun and isn’t meant to be hard work..

Here are the prompts: 31 days of December and 31 opportunities to give a very quick shout out to a book you’ve loved or are highly anticipating.


  1. Snow – a book set in a cold or wintry climate
  2. Shopping – the last book added to your wishlist
  3. Wrapping paper – a lovely cover
  4. Gifts – a book you enjoyed more than you expected to
  5. Chocolates – a book that was simply delicious
  6. Christmas stocking – stocking fillers – a novella or short story
  7. Christmas Tree –  a winter read
  8. Baubles – these add some colour, a very colourful and striking cover
  9. Fairy Lights – something magical
  10. Under the Tree – a book you forgot you owned
  11. Mistletoe – a little bit of romance
  12. Holly and Ivy – a book with great world building
  13. Feast – a book that was magnificent
  14. Christmas pudding – if you could squeeze in just one more book for 2020
  15. Mince pies –  a little sweet something
  16. Turkey Dinner– eye’s too big for your belly?  A chunkster
  17. Glitter – A book that you simply have to have
  18. Christmas Cards – a book with a message
  19. Christmas Carols – a book with musicians, song or instruments
  20. Eggnog – a book that was out of your comfort zone
  21. Santa’s Snack – a book that was a ‘light read’ between heavier books
  22. Reindeers – a book with memorable critters
  23. Sleigh bells – a series that you want to ring out the praise for
  24. Christmas Eve – One of your most anticipated books for 2021
  25. Christmas Day – a book you received as a gift
  26. Boxing Day – feeling bloated, a palate cleanser
  27. Christmas Crackers – Ended with a bang
  28. Candlelight – a book that kept you up into the early hours
  29. A roaring fire – a book that was heartwarming
  30. Family and Friends – a book with great characters
  31. Bottle of Bubbly – your first read for 2023

8 Responses to “Countdown to 2024”

  1. pagesandtea

    Good luck with your daily posts, I’ll look forward to your choices 😀

    • @lynnsbooks

      Thanks, hopefully I havent bitten off more than I can chew. \lynn 😀

  2. Tammy

    I love this, I remember loving it last time you did it as well. I may try to join in😁

    • @lynnsbooks


      I hope you get a chance to join in, it gives me a chance to look back at this year’s books.

      Lynn 😀

  3. WordsAndPeace

    This is very tempting, it would be an easy way to post every day, thanks for doing this

    • @lynnsbooks

      I like doing this, it gives me a chance to reflect on my reads over the year and it’s just something very quick and easy.

      Lynn 😀

  4. @lynnsbooks

    I hope you get a chance to join in, it gives me a chance to look back at this year’s books.

    Lynn 😀

  5. Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    Love this, I remember this from previous years and look forward to your features 🙂

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