Sunday Post/Weekly Wrap Up

Sunday Post

I’m trying to get back into the habit of doing a round-up of the week just completed and also take a look at my plans for the forthcoming week.  I rather got out of the habit of doing so but I would like to reinstate this type of post as I feel it keeps me on track.  So, I’m linking up to The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s  Caffeinated Reviewer.  Without further ado:

Books read this week:

We’re back from Granada.  We had a fantastic time.  It’s a lovely city.   We had great weather, the people are so friendly and there was plenty of wine and tapas.  Highly recommended.  Obviously my reading and blogging have been a little slower so I’m planning on catching up this week, fingers crossed.  In reading news.  I read Bitter Waters by Vivian Shaw.  I also read We Used To Live Here by Marcus Kliewer (which was  very chilling) and I’ve made a start on Two SIdes To Every Murder by Danielle Valentine.  I’ve also made a start on my first batch of SPFBO books.

  1. Winter Lost by Patricia Briggs

Outstanding Reviews

7 Responses to “Sunday Post/Weekly Wrap Up”

  1. Susy's Cozy World

    I am glad you enjoyed Granada! I really hope to visit, sooner or later! 😍😍

    • @lynnsbooks

      I hope you get to visit, it’s such a lovely city.

      Lynn 😀

  2. Tammy

    I feel like I’m so behind this month. I still need to read We Used to Live Here, Two Sides to Every Murder and The Daughters War. I’m glad you had fun on your vacation! Mmmm tapas😁

    • @lynnsbooks

      I’ve read Two Sides to Every Murder, which I enjoyed. Just started The Daughters War and although it’s early days I would say so far so good.

      Lynn 😀

  3. pagesandtea

    The Cautious Traveller’s Guide sounds like it should be good so I’m curious to see what you make of it 😀

    • @lynnsbooks

      Hopefully I’ll fit that in before the end of the month.

      Lynn 😀

  4. jessicabookworm

    Hi Lynn, I am so pleased to hear your trip to Granada was so lovely for you 😊 I hope you are getting back into your reading and blogging since returning too 🤞

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